Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ask Kelli: Son Not Good at Sports, Forgiving Yourself, & Alcoholic or Normal?

Dear Kelli,
My son likes team sports a lot but the problem is he's not great at them. The coaches don't put him in much and I honestly understand why. But of course my son feels hurt by this. What can I do?
No Michael Jordan

Dear No Michael Jordan,
Why not try individual sports for him? It sounds like your son is active and likes sports, so let him compete with himself. This way you can avoid any sensitivity for him over not being put in the game enough, other team members' reactions that might upset him, his standing when comparing himself to others, etc. Some great examples of individual sports are: swimming, running, martial arts, golf, skiing, and biking.

All the best,

Dear Kelli,
How do I forgive myself for something really, really stupid I've done?
Holding Myself Accountable

Dear Holding Myself Accountable,
As Churchill once said, "All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes." So the best way to forgive yourself is to honestly learn from your mistakes and make a pact to not do it again. We're human and we mess up sometimes. So ease up on yourself but try to figure out why you made the mistake in the first place. Gaining insight is a great truth seeker!

All the best,

Dear Kelli,
I don't drink so I don't get it. My wife drinks a glass of wine every night at dinner. Addiction, obsession, or normal?
Protective Husband

Dear Protective Husband,
If she's not an alcoholic and drinks just one glass at dinner I'm definitely going with normal here. Wine is relaxing, so it makes sense that she enjoys it. It's okay. Now go bug her about something else!

All the best,

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